
Wellness coaching

Live life on purpose

With compassionate guidance, you can access your inner joy and clarity to stay on track towards your goals. My approach is non-judgmental and non-advisory, I am here to guide you to your own wisdom and answers. When you make the connections for yourself, you make lasting changes that serve your higher purpose. 

I offer:

Personal Development Coaching: Discover your strengths, clarify your values, and unleash your true potential.
Career Coaching: Identify your passions, set meaningful career goals, and take your work to the next level.
Relationship Coaching: Improve communication, strengthen connections, and cultivate healthier relationships.
Health and Wellness Coaching: Prioritize self-care, adopt healthier habits, and achieve balance in mind, body, and spirit.
Goal Setting and Achievement: Define clear, actionable goals and develop effective strategies to turn your dreams into reality.

Ready to Get Started?
Take the first step towards a brighter future today. Schedule a complimentary consultation and discover how we can help you live the life you've always dreamed of.

Contact Nicole at
phone: 563-508-8006 or email: [email protected]

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Meet Me

As a certified Life Coach, I'm passionate about empowering individuals to unlock their full potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve their dreams. My journey into coaching began at Yandara, where I had the privilege of studying under the guidance of Anna Suil, a direct student of Baba Ram Dass. Under her mentorship, I developed a deeper understanding of human behavior and transformational techniques, particularly in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

NLP is more than just a tool—it's a powerful approach that harnesses the connection between language, thought patterns, and behavior to facilitate personal growth and positive change. By tapping into the subconscious mind and reprogramming limiting beliefs, NLP enables individuals to break free from old habits, overcome fears, and create new pathways to success.

In addition to my coaching credentials, I hold a degree in psychology and experiential education, providing me with a solid foundation in understanding human cognition and behavior. My diverse background includes experience as a wilderness therapist in the rugged landscapes of Utah, where I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of nature on personal growth and healing.

For five fulfilling years, I served as the manager of the youth development program at Evergreen Lodge, where I had the privilege of mentoring and guiding young people on their journey to self-discovery and empowerment. Through experiential learning, outdoor adventures, and meaningful connections, we fostered resilience, life skills, and a sense of purpose in the next generation.

My approach to coaching is holistic, compassionate, and results-driven. Whether you're seeking clarity in your career, improvement in relationships, or simply a deeper understanding of yourself, I'm here to support you every step of the way. 

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